
The estimated cost for the tests will depend on sample numbers and test types. Payments are expected prior to initiating the work. Test turnaround times will vary depending on quantity and complexity. 

For all tests done, 18% will be taken from the total and added as an Administrative Fee. In addition, a data analysis and report fee will be added based on the quantity and complexity of the project. Report fees can range from $250 and higher.

We accept checks and ACH payments. 

If payment is by credit card, there will be an additional 15% credit card fee added to the above total. 

Example of Administrative Fee applied: 

Tests ordered: On one sample to test, Total Coliforms ($35) and Lactic Acid Bacteria ($25)

Pricing Estimate:  1 sample X (35+25) + 18% of total = (60) + 18% of total 

Final Price Total: $70.80 

Example of Credit Card Fee applied: 

Tests ordered: On one sample to test, Total Coliforms ($35) and Lactic Acid Bacteria ($25)

Pricing estimate: [1 sample X (35+25) + 18% of total] + 15% credit card fee

Final Price Total: $70.80 + 15% credit card fee 

Final Charge on credit card: $81.42 

Microbiology Tests

  • Yeast and Mold -- $25
  • Aerobic Plate Counts (APC's) -- $25
  • Lactic Acid Bacteria -- $25
  • Total Coliforms -- $35 
  • Escherichia coli -- $30
  • E. coli O157:H7 -- $55 *
  • Salmonella -- $50 *
  • Listeria monocytogenes -- $50 *
  • Staphylococcus aureus -- $35 * 
  • Campylobacter jejuni -- $100 *
  • Enterobacter sakazaki -- $55
  • Bacillus cereus -- $50
  • Enterobacter aerogenes -- $50
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa -- $50
* For the Pathogen test, if the sample is presumptive positive, an additional $50 will be charged for the confirmation test. 

Specific Food Safety Tests 

  • Aflatoxin -- $50
  • pH -- $20
  • Water Activity -- $40
  • Moisture Content Analysis -- $40
  • Color Evaluation -- $25
  • Texture Evaluation -- $50

Sanitizer Evaluation

(# of time points) X (# of concentrations + 1 control) X (# of microbe tests the sanitizer is tested against) + 18% administrative fee taken from the total

Shelf Life Testing

(# of samples or batches) X (# of time points) X (# of tests requested) 18% administrative fee taken from total

Sensory Evaluation

($30 / product / person ) + 18% administration fee

Consumer Outreach

($200 / session / hour) + 18% administration fee